Rodeo Drive Veterinary
Hospital The WORST vet in Mesquite! |
What happened to Stempy? Here is a chart I put together in 2014 to CLEARLY illustrate the negligence step by step - Greg Munson |
Rodeo Drive Veterinary
Hospital The WORST vet in Mesquite! |
or HOW
is Dr. Ann Thomas a BAD
veterinarian? (aka Ann K Thomas DVM Ann Thomas DVM Ann K. Thomas DVM Ann Thomas, DVM Ann K. Thomas, DVM Ann K Thomas, DVM Dr. Ann K. Thomas, DVM ) ~ "Let us count the ways!" ~ ~ See the step by step timeline above ~ First, a brief introduction of who we are... We
are Greg and Cindy Munson of Mesquite, Texas.
In the picture on the right is Stempy, our beloved Shih Tzu, on Cindy's lap. Unfortunately, our beloved little boy is no longer living because of BAD veterinarian Ann Thomas DVM of Rodeo Drive Veterinary Hospital. STEMPY MUNSON 1997 ~ 2005 Visit Stempy's website by clicking here. Ann
Thomas, DVM of Rodeo Drive Veterinary Hospital (aka
Dr. Vet Rodeo Dr Veterinary Hospital Canine & Cat Corral )
in Mesquite, Texas was,
unfortunately, our dog's veterinarian from September 2003 to September
2005. Over
the course of this 2 year period
of time, Dr.
Thomas (aka
Ann K Thomas DVM Ann Thomas DVM Ann K. Thomas DVM Ann Thomas,
DVM Ann K. Thomas, DVM Ann K Thomas, DVM Dr. Ann K. Thomas, DVM
) failed
in many aspects of Stempy's
care, as detailed below. After Stempy's unauthorized
surgery, Dr. Thomas told
us that she was unable to remove
the catheter because it was lodged to the stone. She told us
that Stempy removed the catheter himself when she put him back in the
kennel so she could take radiographs to figure out why it was stuck.
This is NOT what she wrote in his records. She wrote that SHE removed
the catheter during surgery! WHICH IS IT, DR. THOMAS? She either lied
to us or lied in his records. We KNOW she falsified
Stempy's Medical Records. The proof is below in the very first example
of altered records, WHICH IS INDISPUTABLE PROOF! Consequently,
our malpractice claim was
denied and the Veterinary Board dismissed our complaint. We have proof
to back up these statements as presented on this website and Stempy's website.
one thing to be lazy and a BAD vet ~ but then to add
unethical to the list when she chose to lie to us or in
Stempy's records and to falsify his records really makes Dr.
Thomas of
Rodeo Drive Veterinary Hospital (aka
Dr. Vet Rodeo Dr Veterinary Hospital Canine & Cat Corral
Rodeo Drive Animal ) in
Mesquite Texas a Vet from HELL!.
What happened to Stempy? Stempy
had a problem
with bladder stones. This is a condition that needs to be monitored and
managed. There is much more to managing this condition than just a diet
change. (Read this at to learn about Stempy's
already on a prescription diet from his previous vet due to a previous
problem with stones. This was dealt with by his prior vet
We changed vets in the Fall of 2003 because we never saw the same vet
twice at our old clinic. We wanted a vet who would get to know our
dogs. It was then that we made the worst decision of our lives in our
choice of a new vet.
Thomas -
Rodeo Drive Veterinary Hospital (aka
Dr. Vet Rodeo Dr Veterinary Hospital Canine & Cat Corral ,
Rodeo Drive Animal )
- was a There were several opportunities to recommend a urinalysis or radiograph to us to monitor Stempy’s condition. Dr. Thomas never recommended anything. (See Timeline page of Stempy's website.) In March of 2005, Stempy
had a urethral obstruction. We were not sure that is what it was at the
time. Dr. Thomas failed to take radiographs to ensure her diagnosis.
She again washed the stone back to the bladder to relieve the
obstruction. A cystotomy was scheduled for the following week and
Stempy was sent home wearing a catheter again. When we went to pick up
Stempy post surgery, somehow the stone had magically disappeared, so no
cystotomy was performed. We were never shown radiographs to back up Dr.
Thomas’ claim. No future monitoring was recommended or
In September 2005, Stempy again had a urethral obstruction that unblocked itself just prior to going to see Dr. Thomas. Despite his prior history, Dr. Thomas failed to take radiographs and failed to diagnose bladder stones, even though she was told he was obstructed and had been for a day until just prior to coming in. She said he just had elevated sperm in his urine and sent him home. This event right here is a FAILURE TO DIAGNOSE and is BELOW the standard of care ESPECIALLY with his PRIOR HISTORY of stones WITH THIS VET! WHY, please tell us, WHY wouldn't you take an x-ray when you have just been told that he had been blocked for the last day AND that WE suspected stones again? Stempy had already had TWO prior episodes WITH HER. This is a MAJOR FAILURE on her part. She must have had an aversion of her x-ray machine - was it outdated? Looking back on his care, we believe she purposely avoided using her x-ray machine multiple times - when any other vet would have AT LEAST recommended an x-ray! VIOLATION? We believe so. How could the Texas Vet Board just dismiss this case?. ONLY TWO WEEKS LATER, Stempy again experienced a urethral obstruction from most likely the SAME STONE. She AGAIN failed to take radiographs to confirm diagnosis, location, and amount. She FAILED to properly wash the stone back to the bladder and tried jamming the catheter in to push the stone back to the bladder. She stated in his records that she was unable to collect a urine specimen. She sent Stempy home wearing a catheter and scheduled a cystotomy for the coming week. How would she PASS a catheter and NOT be able to obtain a urine specimen? In fact, how did she relieve the distended bladder caused by the obstruction and yet NOT be able to obtain a urine specimen? As we now know, she had LODGED the catheter to the stone, so much so that she told us the she was unable to remove the catheter. So this begs the question: How did she relieve the distended bladder? There was no cystocentesis if that is what you are thinking. Did she damage his urethra with the very forceful - and unsuccessful - catheterization? The FAILURE to x-ray on this day is OUTRAGEOUS. Yet, the Texas Vet Board looks the other way. Dr. Thomas ONLY had permission to perform a cystotomy - nothing else. She did NOT perform a cystotomy. She had lodged the catheter to the stone with the forceful catheterization she had performed. She was unable to remove the catheter. She told us that Stempy, himself, removed the catheter, although this is not what she wrote in his records.She performed an unauthorized procedure which she said was a perineal urethrostomy. This is not the procedure she performed, as admitted by the board. SO SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT SURGERY SHE PERFORMED? WAS SHE JUST MAKING STUFF UP AS SHE WENT ALONG? Her own vet tech stated she had NEVER performed that type of surgery before. She cut our little boy from his anus to his scrotum - a NINE cm incision - and NO NEW permanent or temporary opening was made - as would be expected with a urethrotomy or a urethrostomy. Remember - we had ONLY authorized a cystotomy. THAT'S IT. NOTHING ELSE. As previously mentioned, three days before this unauthorized surgery, Dr. Thomas had failed to wash the stone back to the bladder and had instead lodged the catheter to the stone. She would have known this if she would have taken a radiograph three days earlier when he was brought in. Instead, Stempy was either still obstructed for those three days or she had damaged his urethra and/or bladder when she attempted the forceful catheterization. Read this link on urethral obstruction and this link on canine retrograde urohydropropulsion: a standard of care again. Instead of referring us to a specialist, Dr. Thomas tried to fix her own screwup. If Stempy was in an emergency situation the day of surgery, then SHE is the one who put him there with her FAILURES three days earlier. INEXCUSABLE. Are these not violations? COME ON!! Stempy was in extreme pain post surgery. We took him back to her EVERY DAY post surgery. Stempy was not eating and was only dribbling urine. She never properly examined him. She just kept changing his pain medicine. Then she gave us a tranquilizer with no pain killing abilities and led us to believe it was yet another pain killer. This tranquilizer lowers the seizure threshold and is not recommended for brachycephalic breeds. Two
days post surgery, Dr.
Thomas’ clinic DENIED care to Stempy when his condition was
deteriorating. The clinic stated that Stempy would be IN PAIN
2 or 3 more days and then he would be fine and NOT to bring him in -
YET they had just taken him completely OFF of painkillers! How INHUMANE
is THAT? Violation? Evidently not in Texas.
The very next morning, three days post surgery….Stempy passed away. He was found unconscious and lifeless on his pillow. We rushed him to this vet to no avail. It is our contention that Stempy passed away because of that unauthorized “surgery” that Dr. Thomas had NEVER performed before that would have NEVER have been needed had Dr. Thomas taken radiographs as needed and properly diagnosed and treated his condition. There is NO DOUBT in our minds that Dr. Thomas is 100% responsible for Stempy’s preventable death. Her attitude and failure to properly care for him those 3 days after his unauthorized surgery - to the point that the clinic DENIED Stempy care the night before he died - is deeply disturbing. Did she WANT Stempy to die? (**NOTE: Dr. Thomas never recommended or performed any blood tests prior to ANY of the surgical procedures she performed. Check the Records.) (Visit the Expert Opinion page of Stempy's website.) Greg & Cindy Munson (Visit all the various pages of Stempy's website for detailed information of the aforementioned events.) veterinary negligence , veterinary abuse , veterinary malpractice , incompetent , substandard |
you know? The
Texas Board of Veterinary
Medical Examiners ( TBVME ) never bothered to request the ORIGINAL
Records for Stempy's case. By their own admission, all they ever asked
for and received were 'copies' of the originals. When we filed an
appeal (See The
Appeal on Stempy's site) with
the Board over their original dismissal, we demanded that they request
the ORIGINAL Medical Records because of our supported evidence and
allegations of alteration and falsification of same. There is NO EXCUSE
for the Board's failure to request the ORIGINAL Records in
light of the following, submitted directly to the Board:
DR. THOMAS' ALTERED / FALSIFIED RECORDS FOR STEMPY: We firmly believe that these are ALTERED RECORDS Ann K Thomas DVM In our opinion, proof positive that the records have been altered can be easily seen above. Note the date of the two entries. (11/3/03 and 11/14/03) The last half of the entry from 11/3/03 extends out to the side of the entry from 11/14/03, yet is represented as being written on 11/3/03. NOT POSSIBLE! The entry from 11/14/03 would NOT have been there on 11/3/03, therefore, there would have been no need to write out to the side of the 11/14/03 entry. The conversation written to the side NEVER occurred! We feel this was added AFTER Stempy passed. We firmly believe that these are ALTERED RECORDS from page 2 Ann Thomas DVM Notice
missing parts in uncomfortable. Notice the flat bottom of the letter o
in uncomfortable. We believe white out was used. Look at the different
We firmly believe that these are ALTERED RECORDS from page 2 Ann K. Thomas DVM
the bottom of the letters in abdomen are cut off. Notice the lines are
not the same width. We believe white out was used and lines were
firmly believe that these are
ALTERED RECORDS from page 3 Ann Thomas, DVM Notice
missing line at the bottom right. We believe white out was used. IN OUR
firmly believe that these
are ALTERED RECORDS from page 3 Ann K. Thomas, DVM ALTERED RECORDS from page 3 Ann K Thomas, DVM Notice on line 2 how the bottom of the letters are cut off. We believe white out was used. IN OUR OPINION, THESE RECORDS ARE ALTERED! We
firmly believe that these are
ALTERED RECORDS from page 3 Notice how the letters u, g, and d are flat on the bottom & other letters are cut off. Notice the mysterious line near the bottom. We believe white out was used. IN OUR OPINION, THESE RECORDS ARE ALTERED! ALLEGED
We believe and allege
that Ann K.
Thomas, DVM of Rodeo Drive Veterinary Hospital in Mesquite, Texas
committed in excess of 33+ violations of the Veterinary Practice Act.
Below (under the videos) is a summary of the alleged violations. Of
course, the biased Texas Vet Board dismissed all of our allegations.
Yet that is nothing new for the Texas Board. Dismissing in excess of
92% of consumer malpractice complaints is standard operating procedure
for the Texas Vet Board, according to veteran KTVT CBS - 11 Dallas
Tracy Rowlett in this video from March 2007:
Texas -
KTVT - CBS 11 - Dallas / Ft. Worth
television station KTVT - 11, the local CBS affiliate, ran a two-part
story March 21st and March 22nd, 2007 on Veterinary Malpractice and
what happens in Texas when your pet is a victim of a Bad Vet. Veteran
news anchor Tracy Rowlett, the "Walter Cronkite" of Dallas / Ft. Worth,
interviewed us for this story. Stempy's story was a prominent part of
both segments. We were very pleased with the story and we appreciate
Mr. Rowlett for interviewing us and Executive Producer John Sparks for
contacting us and arranging the interview.
WATCH THE TWO PART VIDEO: San Antonio, Texas -
ABC 12 - San
station KSAT - 12, the ABC affiliate, ran a story November
18th, 2008 on the Texas Veterinary Board and changes that citizens are
seeking. This is the second Texas TV station to cover Stempy's Story
(see KTVT footage above). We are very grateful and extend our thanks to
KSAT for the great coverage.
can also
watch the video at the KSAT ABC-12 website:
The following is what we allege and firmly believe to be VETERINARY NEGLIGENCE & SUBSTANDARD CARE the hands of Ann K. Thomas, DVM - Mesquite, Texas CONDENSED AND COMBINED VERSION OF THE 33+ ALLEGED VIOLATIONS: IN
OUR OPINION, AS SEEN THROUGH OUR EYES, AS PERSONALLY Dr. Thomas had Stempy on the wrong prescription diet for 2 years and failed to record dispensing his prescription diet on multiple occasions. Dr. Thomas never took postsurgical radiographs to verify removal of all stones. Dr. Thomas failed to perform or recommend any aftercare or management that is required for Stempy's condition, canine bladder stones (urolithiasis), beginning post-surgery in November 2003. Dr. Thomas failed to do full and complete diagnostics (radiographs) on multiple occasions. On 9/10/05 Dr. Thomas failed to diagnose stones, despite his prior history. Dr. Thomas failed to get consent and performed an unauthorized procedure on 9/27/05. Dr. Thomas had a duty to refer this case and she completely failed by not referring this case to a specialist. Dr. Thomas failed to properly examine Stempy for 2 days in a row following surgery on 9/27/05. Dr. Thomas' staff refused to see Stempy at 5 pm on 9/29/05, even after being informed by phone of patient's deteriorating condition. Client was told, specifically, "No! Do not bring Stempy back in. He will be in pain for another 2 or 3 days." Clinic stated he would be in pain for another 2 or 3 days, yet Dr. Thomas had taken Stempy completely off of pain killers earlier this day and put him on tranquilizers without client's knowledge (client was led to believe that tranquilizer was yet another pain killer). Patient passed away the very next morning. Dr. Thomas prescribed Acepromazine despite it having no pain killing abilities and failed to inform client that this was a tranquilizer, not a pain killer, and despite having been informed on 11/1/03 of Stempy's two prior seizures. Acepromazine lowers the seizure threshold. Dr. Thomas failed to record shot she gave to patient on 9/28/05. Dr. Thomas wrote down the wrong procedure performed on 9/27/05. She did NOT perform a urethrostomy. Dr. Thomas failed to follow client's instructions and breached the verbal agreement the parties had that if anything more severe than a cystotomy had to be performed on 9/27/05, client would be immediately notified first so client could decide how to proceed. Dr. Thomas falsified and/or altered Stempy's records on multiple occasions. Dr. Thomas withheld radiographs from client for 8 months, and then provided unusable "pictures" of the radiographs on a homemade cd-rom. Client is still waiting for the State Board to provide usable x-ray film duplicates. IN OUR OPINION, THIS IS VETERINARY NEGLIGENCE & SUBSTANDARD CARE. PERIOD. NO JUSTICE FOR STEMPY!?! HEY TEXAS VET BOARD! WE ARE NOT GOING AWAY! ~ WE DEMAND JUSTICE!! ~ Surgery
can cause excruciating pain and distress, especially a botched surgery.
Ann Thomas, DVM has obviously forgotten how to recognize pain &
distress in the animals she is treating. Ann
Thomas, DVM has
lost her concern for the distress that surgery can create.
literally in worse shape and in constant extreme pain post surgery.
It's why we took him back up there every day post-surgery. She
literally acted like we were a bother to her post-surgery. She said,
"Stempy was just being whiney." We know our dogs
extremely well. Stempy was NOT being "whiney"... he was in excruciating
lied in his records about what we
observed and reported to her. She butchered our little boy. His
incision was from his anus to his scrotum. The incision was stitched
up w/ big, thick
stitches. There was severe
bruising. There was NO new or temporary
opening made anywhere. We only remember seeing him dribble
urine post
surgery....never a solid stream.
He was in CONSTANT excruciating pain post 9/27/05 surgery. She severely hurt our little boy........She did not help him. NO PATIENT SHOULD BE WORSE FOR HAVING SEEN THE DOCTOR. Visit
all the various pages of Stempy's
ARE THERE MORE Well, yes there are.....and, unfortunately, LOTS of them. Read this blog:
Copyright © 2008-2017 ~ VETS FROM HELL ~ by Greg and Cindy Munson. FOR STEMPY. All Rights Reserved. |
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